Sussex History

SUSSEX HISTORY - A Free online history library

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A reference library of online books for students, researchers and others interested the history of the county of Sussex in England. It also includes items on bordering counties i.e. Hampshire, Surrey and Kent and towns and villages therein.

Click HERE to play background music, Sussex By The Sea, the unofficial anthem of the county of sussex, more info & lyrics HERE

The library is organised into various categories as follows:

Sussex Traditions, Culture & Folklore

A Dictionary Of The Sussex Dialect - A Collection Of Provincialisms In Use In The County Of Sussex By Rev. W. D. Parish, Vicar Of Selmeston, Sussex - free online version Published by Farncombe & Co. Lewes Circa 1875

Notable Persons & Events In Sussex History

KIPLING'S SUSSEX - An illustrated descriptive guide, to the places mentioned in the books and writings of Rudyard Kipling, particularly his Sussex stories. By R. Thurston Hopkins, Published by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. London Circa 1921

Smuggling In Sussex.

Smuggling & Smugglers in Sussex The Genuine History Of The Inhuman And Unparalleled Murders Or Mr. William Galley, A Custom-house Officer, And Mr. Daniel Chater, A Shoemaker, By Fourteen Notorious Smugglers, With The Trials And Execution Of Seven Of The Criminals At Chichester 1748-49

Sussex Travel Guides (old) Descriptions of Places as they were.

SEAWARD SUSSEX The South Downs From End To End - A Description of Travels in Sussex During the early 1900s
The Sussex Coast, A Literary & Historical travel guide to the Sussex Coast By Ian C. Hannah M.A., Illustrated by Seth Brand Hannah Published By T. Fisher Unwin, London Circa 1912
Highways and Byways in Sussex - An illustrated appreciation, of the most interesting districts in Sussex with particular reference to the charactures, residents and thier histories. By E. V. Lucas, With Illustrations By Frederick L. Griggs, Published By MacMillan And Co London Circa 1904

General Histories & Essays On the events and peoples of Sussex

Bygone Sussex - A collection of Essays, Sketches and Illustrations of bygone Sussex. By William E. A. Axon published by William Andrews & Co London circa 1897
Glimpses of Our Ancestors In Sussex, 2nd Edition With Sketches Of Sussex Characters, Remarkable Incidents &c Extracted from early diaries & texts. By Charles Fleet Published By Farncombe & Co Lewis 1882


Eastbourne Memories Of The Victorian Period 1845 To 1901 And Some Other Things Of Interest, Divers. By George F Chambers F.R.A.S. Circa 1901


THE HISTORY OF EAST GRINSTEAD The rise and progress of the town and the history of its events, institutions & people. By Wallace Henry Hills, Published By Farncombe & Co. Circa 1906


Holidays At Brighton or Seaside Amusements - An illustrated early Brighton travel guide, in the form of a story of Lewis & Edward's holiday in that sea side town in the 1830's. Published By Darton & Harvey, Gracechurch Street London Circa 1834
History Of Brighton And Environs From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time: Together With A Short Historical Description Of Towns And Villages circa 1871

Tunbridge Wells Related Books

30 Views (drawings) of Tunbridge wells Circa 1863. This illustrated booklet produces by a local Tunbridge Wells Printer and stationer, was probably produced as a memento for tourist and visitors to the town.
SOCIETY AT ROYAL TUNBRIDGE WELLS In The Eighteenth Century - and after. Illustrated From Rare Prints & Portraits In The Collection Of A. M. Broadley By Lewis Melville Published By Eveleigh Nash. Circa 1912

Geographical, Physical, Maps & Place Names

General English History Items for Reference

Our Latin motto "Historia Vitae Magistra" roughly translates as, History, The Teacher Of Life

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