Holidays At Brighton - online book

An illustrated Brighton travel guide Circa 1834

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lonel Gunton and lord Wilmot, had laid a plan for his escape, in which they were aided by a man, named Tattersal, the master of a coal-brig, who promised to conduct king Charles in safety across the Channel. Accord­ingly, he was brought in disguise over the hills to Brighton, to await the sailing of the vessel; but greatly to the alarm of all parties concerned, the owner of the inn immediately re­cognized his royal guest. Smith, for that was his name, would not, how­ever, betray his sovereign: notwith­standing the enormous sum offered for his capture, he kept his secret inviolable ; and, at five in the morn­ing, Charles embarked with a favour­able wind, and landed the next day at Fescamp in Normandy."
" That was nobly done," said Ed-
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