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loyalty, Charles II., King of England, after he had escaped the swords of his merciless rebels, and his forces received a fatal overthrow at Worcester, September 3rd, 1651, was faithfully preserved and conveyed to France, departed this life 26th of July, 1674.
" Within this marble monument doth lye
Approved faith, honovr, and loyalty:
In this cold clay he hath now ta'en up his
station, Who once preserved the chvrch, the crowne,
and nation: When Charles the Greate was nothing bvt a
breath, This valiant hero stept t'ween him and death ; Usvrpers* threats, nor tyrant rebels' frowne, Covld not affright his dvty to the crowne; Which gloriovs act of his for chvrch and
state Eight princes in one day did gratulate— |