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Essays, Sketches and Illustrations of bygone Sussex

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14                                 BYGONE SUSSEX.
instance, and the date of the monument is about the close of the fourteenth century."* What­ever the multitude of pardon brasses may have been, comparatively few are recorded, and the extent of the remission promised by them varies very considerably, and is sometimes greatly in excess of the limit mentioned by Mr. Waller.
At Cobham, in Kent, is the tomb of Dame Joan de Cobham, who died in 1298. The inscription is: " Dame Jone de Kobeham gist isi Deus de sa alme eit merci ki ke pur le alme priera, quarante jours de pardon avera."
At Hellesdon, Norfolk, is a brass assigned to the year 1370, and the inscription, after giving the names of Richard de Heylesdone, and Beat­rice, his wife, says: "qi p lour almes p' era x. aans & xl. jours de pardoun auera."
William, Marquis of Berkeley, who died in 1491, and was buried in the Friars Augustin, London [now " Austinfriars," Old Broad Street], left a testament in which he says: "Also I will that my exors shall purchase a pardon from Rome, as large as might be, for plein remission of the sins of all those who shall be confessed and contrite at Longbrigge from evensong to
* Journal British Archaological Association, v., 259.
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