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PARDON BRASSES.                             17
only known brass dealing with it. Hollinworth was probably not well posted in matters of Catholic art, but he can scarcely have confused subjects so different as the mass of St. Gregory and Christ rising from the sepulchre, or we might be tempted to think that the Manchester and Macclesfield brasses were replicas of each other. The suggestion has indeed been made that the brass formerly at Manchester is now at Maccles­field, but a picture of the latter, taken before the time of Hollinworth, is in existence. If, how­ever, the Manchester brass was mutilated so as to make the figure of the saint less striking, the picture might then easily be taken to represent the resurrection of Christ. The Macclesfield pardon is part of the memorial brass of Roger Legh and Elizabeth, his wife. She died in 1489, and he in 1506, so that the monument may be referred to the early years of the sixteenth century. It is noteworthy that whilst the inscrip­tion which records the deaths is in Latin, the pardon, which occupies a distinct position in the design, is in English, and reads : " The p'don for saying of v. pater nostr & v aves and a cred is xxvi thousand yeres and xxvi dayes of pardon."
It is engraved in Mr. J. P. Earwaker's East
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