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Essays, Sketches and Illustrations of bygone Sussex

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2o                                 BYGONE SUSSEX.
a condition. But in an indulgence now preserved
in Lincoln Minster Library, the resemblance is
exact. It represents Christ with wounded body
and crossed hands standing half out of a tomb.
Below on the face of the altar or tomb are the
words :—
" The pdon for v. Pr nr v.
aues & a crede is xvvjM,
yeres & xxvi dayes."
Hollinworth's words are certainly more exactly applicable to this picture than to the " Mass of St. Gregory."
So at Quatford, Shropshire, there were some wall paintings, and under one, which represented Christ rising from the sepulchre, were these lines :—
" Seynt Gregory and other popes and bysschops grants sex and twenty thousand yere of pardon thritti dayes to alle that saies devou telye knelying afore pis ymage fife paternosters fyfe aves and a cred." *
It will be seen that the amount of the pardon varies greatly. In the thirteenth century we have examples of ten days, and forty days ; in the fourteenth century thirty, forty-six, and fifty
* Rock, vol. Hi., p. 77.
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