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and one reads thus :—" Oretis pro anima do mini Willelmi de Sckorkam, quondam vicarii de Chart juxta Ledes, qui comiposuit istam compilacionem de septem mortalibus peccatis. Et omnibus dicentibus oracionem dominicam cum salutacione angelica quadraginta dies veniae a domino Symone archie-piscopo Cantuariae concedtcnfur."
Robert de Cologne, in a treatise on indulgences, printed at Zutphen in 1518, says that St. Gregory granted fourteen thousand years of indulgence ; that Nicholas V. doubled them ; that Calixtus III. added five prayers to the five paternosters and five aves, and then doubled the indulgence ; that Sixtus IV. added two more prayers, two paternosters, and two aves, and again doubled the indulgence; and that Innocent VIII. added two more prayers, with two paternosters and two aves, and again doubled the previous indulgence. Opinions are divided as to whether the total result of the operations is seventy thousand, ninety-two thousand, or one hundred and twelve thousand years of pardon. A " Mass of St. Gregory" is facsimiled in Holtrop's Monuments Typographiques des Pay bas au XVieme Siecle. In this the risen Christ is seen standing on an altar, before which kneels St. Gregory, whilst the |