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24                             BYGONE SUSSEX.
the end futile, efforts to accomplish the redemp­tion of the Holy Land from the "infidels"—on which the Popes had set their heart. The remission promised to the actual crusaders was afterwards extended to those who were less directly engaged. " Thus, for instance, it became necessary in course of time to reward by remis­sions of so and so many days those who would consent even to be present at the preaching of the papal legate who came to announce a crusade; and, finally, just before the fall of Acre, full remission was granted to those who would con­tribute anything at all to the lost cause." # " One papal legate in 1219 offered to the crusaders willing to remain in the Holy Land that he would absolve the souls of their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, wives, and children." t The system was extended in many ways.
The theory of the Roman Catholic Church as to indulgences is that in addition to the eternal punishment of sin there is also a temporal punish­ment, and that as the former may be remitted by the merits of the Saviour, so the latter may be shortened by the merit of certain good works or
* E. F. Henderson, Select Historical Documents, 1892, p. 272. t Ibid.
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