BYGONE SUSSEX - online book

Essays, Sketches and Illustrations of bygone Sussex

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48                              BYGONE SUSSEX.
urged his sweetheart to marry her elderly lover in order that at his death they might enjoy the money which the butcher had scraped together. She was exceedingly unwilling to comply with this advice, but finally consented. To expedite their expected good fortune was the next thought of Buss, and he again induced the woman to be his accomplice. A few days after the marriage, the butcher and his bride went for a few days' outing, and Buss was invited to be one of the company. They set off on horseback, and at Burmash,—by which Burwash is probably meant —Lott, having broken his bridle, dismounted to mend it, and a public-house being at hand, he went in, and the butcher ordered some " milk bumbo."# On coming out, he first gave some to his wife and then to Buss, neither of whom dismounted, and then drank some himself. He complained that it was bitter, and hot, and had a bad taste. The landlady was surprised and hurt at this disapproval, and strenuously vouched for the excellence of the ingredients. When the guests had gone, she herself tasted the mixture, and found it very nasty. She called the attention
* Smollett, in a note to " Roderick Random," which appeared in 1748, describes "Bumbo" as a liquor composed of rum, sugar, water, and nutmeg, but the name was applied to other alcoholic mixtures.
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