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Yon holly marks the village lawyer's grave, Those oaks the patriot's ashes canopy, The laurels o'er the sleeping warrior wave, And yon spring flowers shelter infancy. Lady! when in the dust this form shall lie, If then thy breast my memory would recall, Let the dark cypress tell my destiny, And the green ivy form my funeral poll.
Fairlight Glen.
The lovely glens of Ecclesbourne and Fairlight are famous for their picturesque beauty. The following descriptive verses are from Mr. William Wilson's "Gathered Together" (London I860, p. 217.
Sweet Fairlight Glen.
There are spots when once seen that can ne'er be forgot;
Like mem'ries of childhood they haunt us for ever ; Like the dear, gentle face of a mother that's lost,
Through life we can never forget them—oh, never! And such, in thy mantle of beautiful green,
Far, far from the busy assemblies of men ; Where the murm'ring ocean plays into thy lap,
Art thou in thy solitude—sweet Fairlight Glen !
In dreams of my fancy—awake, or asleep,
I behold thee—I picture thee still to my mind ;
With thy soft mossy banks, and thy calm solemn shade, In summer-time sultry so welcome to find. |