BYGONE SUSSEX - online book

Essays, Sketches and Illustrations of bygone Sussex

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132                            BYGONE SUSSEX.
field all was quiet in the second house ; but some things were thrown in the field, and some noise was heard among the household stuff. "Thus," we are told, " these poor creatures were distressed, their house burnt down, that to which they removed several times fired ; and they with their goods forced to lie in the open fields for several days and nights together: being made a sad spectacle to all sorts of people, that came far and near to see and hear of the business. Afterwards a Fast day was kept by four of the neighbouring ministers, and sermons were preached on these texts, Job 17, 13; Amos 3, 6; Luke 13, 2, 3; Isa. 33, 14, 15, 16. " The congregation was great, and the distressed persons diligently attentive; after which, thev were not at all troubled any more in that manner."
We have given the narrative substantially in the words of the worthy minister by whom it was com municated to that well known divine, Mr. Samuel Clark. The real truth is now difficult to determine, but after due allowance has been made for the uncritical temper of the historian, and for uninten­tional exaggeration, there is not much more left than might be accomplished by some mischievous humourist unaided by the supernatural powers.
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