BYGONE SUSSEX - online book

Essays, Sketches and Illustrations of bygone Sussex

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That they thereby might take remorce,
Of their yll lyfe mispent, And, more of loue then feare or force,
Their formall faultes repent.
Before the earth was overflowen With waters huge throughout,
He sent them Noe, that holy one, Who dayly went about.
To call them then to godly lyfe, At home they laughte and fumde ;
He was contemde of man and wyfe, Tyll they were all consumde.
Loth did preache most earnestly,
But it did not preuayle ; When fire and brymstone verely
Upon them doune did hayle.
Pharaoes heart had no remorce, Though wonders straunge he sawe,
But rather was therfore the worce, Without all feare or awe ;
Untyll bothe he and his therfore,
By iustice sent of God, In raging seas were all forlore,
And then he felt the rod.
Ten tymes truely were the Jewes
In captiue brought and led; Before eche tyme, our God did vse
Hys tokens strange, we red.
The year before Vaspatian came,
The Jewes a heyfer drest,— Which beynge slayne, did calue a lame,—
This sygne they sone did wrest,
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