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Whil'st in his youthfull course himselfe he doth apply, And falleth in her sight into the Sea at Rye, She thinketh with her selfe, how she a way might finde To put the homely He quite out of her Rothers minde. Appearing to the Flood, most brauely like a Queene, Clad (all) from head to foot in gaudy Summers green; Her mantle richly wrought, with sundry flowers and weeds; Her moystfull temples bound, with wreaths of quiuering
reeds: Which loosely flowing downe, vpon her lusty thighes, Most strongly seeme to tempt the Riuers amorous eyes. And on her loynes a frock, with many a swelling pleate, Embost with well-spread Horse, large Sheepe, and full-fed
Neate. Some wallowing in the grasse, there lie a while to batten; Some sent away to kill; some thither brought to fatten ; With Villages amongst, oft powthred heere and there; And (that the same more like to Landskip should appeare) With Lakes and lesser Foards, to mitigate the heate (In Summer when the Fly doth prick the gadding Neate, Forc'd from the Brakes, where late they brouz'd the veluet
buds) In which, they lick their Hides, and chew their sauoury Cuds. Of these her amourous toyes, when Oxney came to knowe, Suspecting least in time her riuall she might growe, Th'aller'rments of the Marsh, the iealous He do moue, That to a constant course, she thus perswades her Loue: With Rumney, though for dower I stand in no degree; In this, to be belou'd yet liker farre then she: Though I be browne, in me there doth no fauour lack. The soule is said deform'd : and she, extreamely black. And though her rich attire, so curious be and rare, From her there yet proceeds unwholsome putrid aire :
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