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Essays, Sketches and Illustrations of bygone Sussex

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172                               BYGONE SUSSEX.
stances, which have slipt my memory." (Chap, xvi., 20).
A Doubtful Bequest.
He was not, however, without a sense of humour. "Going one time to Major Trevers', his house in Cheshire, I met with the Major at Tarvin, near his house, where there had been a lecture that day, permitted by Bishop Wilkins, and kept up by the neighbouring clergy : The Major told me, that the preacher for that day had this pleasant (shall I say ? or odd) passage in his sermon : A Scotch laird, or gentleman, having sent for a clerk to make his will, began to him thus (after the common preface), ' Imprimis, I bequeath my soul to God'—to which his clerk made answer very seriously, 4 But what if he wonnot take it, mon!' With what temper of spirit it was then spoken, I know not; but sure I am, 'tis a point that deserves a serious thought-fulness and gravity of mind." (Chap. cxlv. 12).
A Warning to Cantankerous Parishioners.
"One of my parishioners where I was minister formerly, having given occasion of scandal, by his drunkenness, and reproachful tongue, and execra-
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