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restored to perfect health ; which he declared to me, calling his son into company, and shewing him perfectly healed." (Chap, lxxxii., 7).
Crowborough Hill.
" Crowborough-Hill," says Mr. Turner, "about eight miles from Tunbridge-Wells, is so very high, that in a clear sky ships may be seen under sail: There is also an unlimited prospect on this hill, which renders it the more delightful." (Pt. 2, chap, xlviii., 7).
This is the only evidence the book affords of any delight in natural scenery.
Dwarfs and other Monstrosities.
Mr. Turner felt that the proper study of mankind is man, and notes various dwarfs and monsters, native and imported, that he had seen in Sussex. Thus there was a maid, born in Ireland, who was exposed to view at Arundel, who besides strange moles upon her body, had a great excrescence hard as stone, very bulky and weighty, so that she was not able to carry it about without a truss. (Pt. 2, chap, xxii., 6). He mentions also a monstrous birth at Burdham,
near Chichester. The body was nailed up in the
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