SUN-DIAL is always a pleasant and often picturesque addition to a building, whether that building be a stately church or an antique cottage. Since clocks and watches have become so common, it is perhaps too much to expect that there will be any general revival of the older fashion of marking time. The civilized man, as Emerson points out, has a watch in his pocket, but has lost the power of telling the time of day by the sun—a faculty possessed in a rare degree by primitive man, and one that should never be lost by those whose happy fortune it is to have plenty of out-door avocations. It is a point in favour of the sun-dial that, although an artifical method of measuring time, it is one likely to strengthen the power of accurate observation, since even to the least observant the changing shadow on its face would be associated in the mind with the progress in the sky of the great light of the earth. That there is still considerable interest in the subject of sun-dials is evident from