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farthing, alleging a former resolution against lending. Hedges was at last furious with the continuance of ill success, and pulling out his watch, asked if any person in company would set him sixty guineas upon it. The company were silent; he then demanded fifty, still no answer ; he sank to forty, thirty, twenty ; finding the company still without answering, he cried out, 1 By God, it shall never go for less!' and dashed it against the floor, at the same time attempting to dash out his brains against the marble chimney-piece. This last act of desperation immediately excited the attention of the whole company, they instantly gathered round, and prevented the effects of his passion ; and after he again became cool, he was permitted to return home with sullen discontent to his wife. Upon his entering her apartment, she received him with her usual tenderness and satisfaction ; while he answered her caresses with contempt and severity, his disposition being quite altered with his misfortunes. 'But, my dear Jemmy,' says his wife, 'perhaps you don't know the news I have to tell, my mamma's old uncle is dead, the messenger is now in the house, and you know his estate is settled upon you.' This account seemed only to increase |