BYGONE SUSSEX - online book

Essays, Sketches and Illustrations of bygone Sussex

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Whence, tho' contracted, still the view commands Fair rising woods beyond the falling lands; And slightly glances at the velvet green, Which justly boasts its sweet enchanting scene; More famous for the living Miller's tomb, Who thinks upon the better scenes to come: Long may his portion in good works increase, E'er he exchange it for—Eternal peace /
Whatever may have been the motive of the Miller of Salvington in the selection of his tomb, it has certainly secured him fame, both before and after his death. The tomb was built in 1766, and the jolly miller did not take his departure until 1793. Doubtless in the more than score of years that elapsed between the preparation of the house and the beginning of its tenancy, many visited it with curious eyes, and since his death it has become a favourite excursion from the neigh­bouring resorts on the coast. The Miller in addition to his objection to consecrated ground, was noted for some mechanical talent. Thus he had fixed to the top of his house two curious pieces of imagery which were set in motion by the same winds that turned the sails of his mill. One represented a mill and a miller. As the shafts were moved by the breeze, a sack opened and a miniature Miller's shovel was set in motion
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