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254 |
Cat, Wild, 3
Cecilia of Hastings, 115
Cerne Abbas giant, 77
Challoner, Bishop Richard, 6
Chanctonbury, 9
Charles II., 2
Charles VI. of Spain, 8
Chichester, 5, 9, 157 ; Ballad of the Merchant of, 151 ; Ballad of Monstrous Child, 133; monstrous births, 177; sun-dial, 205; St. Richard, 5. 225; Collins Monument, 244
Child, Monstrous, 133
Christmas festival, 97
Churches, why are they shut ? 73
Cinque Ports, 4
Clarke, Dr. E. D., 5
Cobham, Dame Joan de, 14
Cobden, Richard, 5
Collins, William, 5; as a Sussex poet,
243 Cowdray, 2 Crow, Crissy, 92 Crowborough Hill, 177 Cuthman, St., 5
Dacre of the south. Lords, II Dalmon, Charles William, a Sussex
poet, 236 Devil's encounter with Dunstan, 8 Devil's Dyke, 9, 137 Death foreboding, 170 Davison T. Raffles, v. "Denis Duval," Thackeray's novel,
36 Denis, Sir Peter, Career of, 41 Ditchling Dissenters' burial-ground,
109 Drayton, Michael, his Song of
Sussex, 154 Drummer of Herstmonceux, 184 ;
of Tedworth, 196 Dryden, John, 241 Dunstan, St., and the devil, 8 Dwarfs, 177-178
Eadric's sun-dial, 202
Eastbourne, 7
East Grinstead sun-dial, 206
Ebba, Queen, 1
'"Ecce Homo" indulgence, 19
Edilwach, King, 1
Edward I., 12
Edward VI., 2 |
Eleanor, Queen, 12
Elleslie sun-dial, 206
Elizabeth, Queen, 2
Ellis, Joseph, 102, 125 ; poem on the sun-dial, 204
Epitaphs, 6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 90-95, 232 ; on a lapdog, 217
Etchingham, 7
Evans, Col. de Lacy, 54
Evans, Rev. John, 234
Evelyn, John, 222
Everetta, a christian name, 91
Execution, 46, 47, 50, 67 ; Remarkable escape from, 168
Fairies, 8
Fairlight Glen, poem, no
Farrant, Ann, 93
Fiennes, 4 ; tombs, 7 ; Sir William,
11 Field Place, 246 Fig Garden, 225 Fishery, 3 Fitzalan tombs, 7 Flaxman, John, 244 Fletcher, John, 5 ; as a Sussex poet,
239 Fletcher, Richard, the father of the
dramatist, 147 Folk-lore, 6, 33, 96, 129, 138, 145,
146, 159, 171, 173, 175, 176 Ford, 178 Frant sun-dial, 206 French churches at Winchelsea and
Rye, 45-46 Friston sun-dial, 207 Fulking water supply and Ruskin
inscription, 142 Fyning sun-dial, 207 Funeral of the Miller of Salvington,
Gambling at Tunbridge, 218 Gardner Street: " Praise the Lord "
Cottage, 113 Garraway, William, 178 Gatty, Mrs., 202 George I., 2
George, Prince, of Denmark, 8 Giant figures, 76-77 Gibbon, Edward, 5 Ghost story, 170 Glass manufacture, 3 Godefridus, Legend of, IOO |