Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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68                   Old Memories of East-Bourne. [Chap. V.
A visitor to East-Bourne in 1897, and indeed in other years, was a lady who, I suppose, was the only one of her rank who ever won, with her husband, the celebrated Dunmow Flitch. It was only after the death of her husband who was a Peer, that we made her acquaintance, but their success, I imagine, stands without precedent in the annals of Dunmow. Some time previously to 1897 I had stayed with her at her own home in Worcestershire where she perpetuates to visitors the recollection of her triumph by an imitation Flitch of Bacon in waxwork, protected by a glass case. I may as well add that this house, because it contains art treasures of immense value, has a night watchman who goes round outside and calls out the hours and the weather. I remember when I was there on January 21r 1895, I heard the 2 following calls :—" Past 12 o'clock —Starlight Night," and then "Past one o'clock—Snowy Night." They were strange weird sounds in the tones in vogue.
u WHgm musing on <&om$m%cm& piw, Wit banbl$ fed aioitt."—Sir W. Scott.
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