Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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70                   Old Memories of East-Bourne. [Chap. VI.
signed by the inspecting field-officer, Lt.-Col. Booth, that he had inspected them on April 3, 1804. The rates of pay were :—sergeants, Is. 6d.; corporals, Is. 2d.; drummers and privates, Is. per day. The South Pevensey Company appears to have been under the same Captain Long. The parade state on Inspection Day, Feb. 23, 1804, was 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 ensign (sick), 5 sergeants, 6 corporals, 1 drummer and 55 privates. The Lieutenants were Henry Freeman and William Lambert, and the ensign Edward Long. The statement of the arms and ammunition in store mentions 80 muskets and 437 " flints."
About 3 years later, there is a return relating to an East-Bourne Company, commanded by Captain Edward Auger. This return, dated May 31, 1807, deals not with men but with stores. The stores enumerated are as follows : muskets, bayonets, ramrods, pikes, side-arm belts, musket slings, pouches, pouch-belts, scabbards (sic), arm-chest, drums, drum-caves, drum-sticks, drum-carriages, drummers' swords. The mention above of " pikes " and " flints " is interesting in the light of the year 1910. The Captain Auger named was either the owner or the son of the owner of The Gore, which was sold soon afterwards to Dr. Brodie.
The first military show which I remember was Queen Victoria's birthday parade at the Horse Guards in ] 850. It was specially fixed in my memory by reason of the fact that as I was only 9 years old, I was therefore not able to see over the crowd, despite the best efforts of my father to give me a chance. We happened to find ourselves close alongside the carriage of the first Duke of Cambridge, son of George III. and father of the Duke well-known to the present generation as the Commander-in-Chief. Noticing the fact that I could see little or nothing, the kind old man beckoned to my father to lift me into the royal carriage where, of course, I saw everything, and studied most admiringly H.R.H.'s gorgeous uniform.
Passing over the large and important camps which were established at and around East-Bourne during the
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