Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

An Account of, notable events, Persons and town history - online book

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Literary Institution.Coal and Clothing Society.Blanket Loan Society.Coal Company.Church Institute.Mutual Improvement Society. —.4 celebrated Shakespeare Reading.Charity Organisation Society.East-Bourne Choral Society.Purcell Glee Society.Devonshire Cliib.— " House of Commons."Its Sessional Dinners.Reflections on its usefulness. Regrets at its discontinuance.Young Men s Christian Association.
" Counts fyi% sun gains, mxb gurries bark Cor mow,"—(J. Montgomery).
u €>rrat souls bjr instinrt to rarb; alfcrr turn ;
" gmanfo allianr*, anir in fnrnbsk/ijr burn."—(Addison).
E AST-BOURNE, like most other towns which have had a rapid rise, has had its full share of new schemes, most of which died a natural death after a precarious existence. I cannot pretend to enumerate all that I remember, to say nothing of those I do not remember, nor can I touch upon those started parochially in connection with particular Churches. Nor shall I mention here some which find a more fitting place elsewhere, such as the Gas Company, the Electric Light Company, the Conservative Association, the Cricket Club, the Natural History Society, and others.
The earliest instance of the existence of a body of persons organised at East-Bourne for a defined purpose is, I think, to be found in the " Society for Prosecuting Thieves, Felons, and Receivers of Stolen Goods," set on foot "at a meeting held at the New Inn, East-Bourne, Sussex, on Tuesday, the Sixteenth day of December, 1800." I am indebted to Mr. Emary of Barclay's Bank, for calling my attention to this body, and showing me a copy of the Society's " Articles," printed by " Howlett, Printer, Hailsham." But I have not come upon any allusions to the Society's labours, or indeed to any mention of it anywhere.
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