Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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Local Newspapers.Old East-Bourne Guides.Local Authors.R. M. Caldecott.W. Brodie.Lady Catherine Long.Other Local Authors.Distinguished Visitors.Astronomical Observatories. Natural History Society.Prominent Members of the Society.Loan Exhibitions.Old Maps of the Parish.Professor Huxley.The Herschel Family.J. H. Mortimer.Shakespearian and other Readings.Arts and Industries Society.
** ^iterator* is a bag fair ztv&t\> but a btt$ qooIi J&ralaiujj stick."—
(C. Lamb.) " gjfo hut mtucz foit&,0ut ^digitm."—(C. Kengsley.)
I T seems to be necessary to draw somewhat on one's imagination for one's facts to eke out a Chapter
under the above title, the words of which flow with delightful grace and euphony. However, I will do my best to supply a few facts.
Literature centres round newspapers, actual (which are few in number) and defunct (which have been numerous). The oldest Sussex newspaper is the Sussex Advertiser, which dates from 1745. Its Whig politics prompted in 1833, the starting of the Sussex Agricultural Express in the interests of the Tory party. The oldest East-Bourne paper is the Chronicle (1856), the Gazette -coming next (1859). Other papers have been born and have died in East-Bourne. I remember the following titles:—Eastbourne Express (1863); Eastbourne Standard (1868); Sussex Times (1874); Eastbourne Courier (1877); Eastbourne Observer (?date) ; Eastbourne Review (1885?); Eastbourne Standard (2nd creation, ? date); Eastbourne Times (? date) ; Scorpion. The last-named was a satirical sheet edited (I believe) by the author of What will they do with him, mentioned in a previous Chapter.
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