Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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112                 Old Memories of East-Bourne. [Chap. X.
The earliest book due to an East-Bourne Author is, I suppose, the Guide, East-Bourne and its Environs, of which the first edition is dated 1787, several later editions being known. The author was one J. Royer.
Theodore Hook was a visitor to East-Bourne about 1830, and his Jack Brag includes divers references to the place. I possess an interesting (and useful) reminis­cence of him in the shape of his editorial writing desk table, used when Editor of the scurrilous John Bull; and 3 nests of drawers, which, in his time, stood for the modern Editor's " Pigeon-holes."
The earliest book of any size or general importance, written in East-Bourne, would be Mr. R. M. Caldecott's Life of Baber, mentioned in Chapter III. (ante.)
In 1845, my uncle, Mr. Walter Brodie, published a book on The State of New Zealand, followed in 1851 by Pitcairns Island and the Islanders.
In 1851, an authoress of some repute, Lady Catherine Long, resided at The Grove, with her husband Mr. Henry Lawes Long, a son, and several daughters. The son was a chum of mine, and we practised chemical experiments together. Lady Catherine's books included novels and others more serious. Amongst the former were Sir Roland Ashton and The First Lieutenant's Story ; and amongst the latter, Heavenly Thoughts for Morning Hours. The preface to the last-named is dated from " East-Bourne, December 31, 1850."
The following are the names of some books of later date which may be credited to East-Bourne :—East­bourne as a Resort for Invalids, by Drs. Abbotts Smith and Hay man (1861); Flora of Eastbourne, by F. C. S. Roper, F.L.S. (1875); Eastbourne as a Residence for Invalids and Winter Resort, by G.- Moseley, F.R.C.S. (1882); Eastbourne as a Winter Resort, by H. D. Ellis, M.D. (1882).
I have written several books, of which my Handbook for East-Bourne, Handbook of Astronomy, and several small books on Astronomy, and Digest of the Law relating to Public Health, are, I suppose, the best known. The first-named passed through 25 editions and brought
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