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Chap. X1IL] Christ Church. Ill
who, like myself, were present at the ceremony, which was performed by the Bishop of Chichester (Gilbert). The building at the first was even less like a church than Trinity had been ; for it was a simple rectangle contained in 4 bare walls without chancel or porch. Just as Trinity had at the first been a Chapel-of-Ease to St. Mary's, served by the curate of the Mother Church so Christchurch stood until 1864 to Trinity. On February 3 of that year a district carved out of Trinity Parish was assigned to it and the Rev. W. H. Lloyd, who had been curate-in-charge, was appointed the first Incumbent. He was a popular and, on the whole, a successful little man. He subsequently left to become a British Chaplain in South America and was replaced by an Irishman named Irwin whose only success was to empt}^ the Church which Mr. Lloyd had filled.
• As the military establishments in East-Bourne stand within the limits of Christchurch Parish that Church has always been used as the Garrison Church, though before it was built the soldiers wrere marched to a special afternoon service at Trinity Church. I may mention in this connection that I once attended the military funeral of a gunner in the Royal Artillery who was buried in the churchyard of the old Church. The finale of the ceremony, the firing of a volley of blank cartridge, adds greatly to the solemnity of such scenes.
St. Saviour's Church.
" Ji* foas ioont to s$zxk plain urxo to t\t gmgosc."—
{Much Ado about Nothing.')
The necessity of another new Church in East-Bourne had in the year 1865 become very manifest—a small Iron Church then standing where Hardwick Road now enters South Street being wholly insufficient. The Town had grown, and the number of visitors had largely increased as the result, paradoxical as it may sound, of the scarlet fever epidemic of 1863. The effect of the scare was on this wise. It kept away, in the summer of 1864, many N |