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Chap. XIII.] St. Saviour's Church. 179
January 30, 1867. I was sorry under the peculiar circumstances not to be present, though invited, but I was unavoidably detained in London.
The new Incumbent's troubles did not end with the ■consecration of the Church. The building plans had of course to receive the approval of Mr. Pitman, and when he found that the Reading-desk was to be in the chancel in juxtaposition to the choir stalls, he did not approve. He insisted on a Reading-desk out in the nave, and the plans were altered accordingly, and a Reading-desk was duly erected in the desired place. It was one thing to secure the construction of the Reading-desk by a •carpenter and another thing to secure that the minister should use it. As a matter of fact, the minister did not see fit to use it, and after a time, as it occupied a space on the floor which it was thought would be more profitably employed if given up to the congregation, the Reading-desk was removed, and the empty space filled up by additional ordinary seats. The later history of St. Saviour's Church does not involve any matters with which I was brought into contact, and the only moral lesson which I suggest should be drawn from that later history, is that Clergy and Congregations should beware of engaging the services of great " swells " as Organists. Some years after the Church was opened, they took on the services of a " Mus. Doc," for whom a £600 organ was not good enough. He decoyed the authorities into a £2400 organ and the results were--------
St. Saviour's Church was on Trinity Sunday, May 27, 1877, the locale of the only Ordination ever held in East-Bourne. On that day the Bishop of Chichester (Durnford) ordained 8 Deacons and 6 " Priests," none of them however connected with East-Bourne.
St. John's Church.
If St. Saviour's Church was in a certain sense built too late, that is to say, after a congregation had arrived to fill it, the picture of Meads in 1870 would suggest that St. John's Church was built too soon, but there were reasons for this. The hamlet of Meads had never had a |