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182 Old Memories of East-Bourne. [Chap. XIII.
St. Anne's Church.
Hitherto my mention of building operations has-chiefly had reference to the Duke of Devonshire's land and other lands more or less near the sea, but Mr. C. D. Gilbert's estate and the large amount of modern building on it must not be forgotten or ignored. Speaking quite generally, his estate lies in and around, especially to the N. and the E. of, the Old Town, and includes an indefinite area which goes by the vague name of Upperton. Building hereon began somewhat later than it did on the Duke of Devonshire's estate but when once it made a start it proceeded apace.
As it has happened that by far the larger proportion of the modern houses built on Mr. Gilbert's estate have been either large private residences or villas of various sizes, it has not been found necessary to-provide elementary schools, and a complete new Church with a parish room for meetings has thus far been all that has been wanted. St. Anne's Church consecrated on November 26,1882, is the Church of the Gilbert Estate. I was present on the occasion. Like other churches in East-Bourne, and elsewhere, at the first it was only a Nave and a little more, but subsequent additions have transformed it into what may be called a Church complete in all its parts. Mr. Gilbert's contributions towards it and the steady support of well-to-do congregations have rendered unnecessary any frequent or impassioned appeals to the charity of Church-folk at large. The position of the Church in the middJe of Upperton Gardens and surrounded by roads on all 4 sides is an ideal situation for a Church.
All Saints' Church.
"ffiMfffiJg tttalues frkrrtm: vibbmity irirs thrm."—(Publics Syrus.)
With this Church is unfortunately associated a great many heart-burnings and a law-suit. To understand the history, it is necessary to mention that in 1873, a temporary Iron Church was erected in Burlington Place as an overflow place of worship to Trinity Church. |