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196 Old Memories of East-Bourne. [Chap. XIV.
which I did not bargain. In reality the girls who came out of the Lewes School were so promptly snapped up that even I, as Chairman, was only once able to secure one of them for my own household, and a capital servant she proved to be.
There can be no doubt whatever that the wrork done at Lewes, and indeed elsewhere in the County, was of the highest practical value, but it was not easy to bring this fact home to the parents of the young people whom we were desirous of assisting. I hope, however, that the indifference as to this on the part of parents will gradually disappear. The management of the Lewes house was vested in a joint Committee of a small number of gentlemen—members of the County Council, and a larger number of co-opted ladies. To preside over these latter, and to keep them in debate to the point directly before us was one of the most difficult matters in all my experience of public meetings.
As regards the general work of the Committee in the County at large, I cannot but single out three ladies in particular to whom the County owed in my time a great debt of gratitude for their painstaking labours, namely: the Hon. Mrs. Thomas, the Hon. Mrs. Egerton, and Mrs. Locker-Lampson.
" $ am thankful for it."—{Love's Labour Lost.)
" Swj business i|>at toe lobe foe rise beiinu, auir no lo foitb, bjclrxj^t "—
(Antont and Cleopatra.) |