Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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202                Old Memories of East-Bourne. [Chap. XV.
The present total number of Burgesses is 7569. The growth of the wards cannot be separately exhibited because a redistribution has taken place since 1883.
This is a long digression, and I must get back to the proper subject of this chapter, which is Elections. In 1882 I was elected a Guardian, and by the time I had got quite settled into my work a new Election came round. In those days the Elections were annual, and everybody went out of office every year. The idea of having ladies as Guardians was just beginning to come to the front, and as I heartily approved of the idea, I consented to nominate a lady for one of the 6 vacant seats. The result, good for the town, was disastrous for me ; she was elected and I was turned out, being first on the list of unsuccessful candidates. The success of the idea of lady Guardians was soon recognised, and the desire being expressed that there should be 2 such Guardians, I gladly consented to nominate in the following year (1884) a second in the person of Miss Elisabeth Vulliamy, I also being again a candidate. Again were the results disastrous to myself; she was elected, and in the scramble for seats I again found myself amongst the unsuccessful candidates. My adhesion to the principle of Lady Guardians to share with men the management of pauper women and children is therefore disinterested and has never faltered, and they are now numbered by hundreds all over England.
The " Local Government Act, 1894 " altered entirely the then existing arrangements at East-Bourne for the Election of Guardians, making them elective not for the whole parish en bloc, but by wards, the wards being so arranged that every Guardian sits for 3 years ; and though there is an Election every year the Elections take place in different wards, each year turn and turn about.
County Council Elections must receive a brief notice. Having acted as an Assistant Boundary Commissioner for England and Wales in 1887 and part of 1888, in assisting to provide the Government with in­formation on which to frame the Bill for the Constitution of the County Councils, I naturally was inspired with
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