Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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234             Old Memories of East-Bourne. [Chap. XVIII.
and 188G, but the new Conservative Association of 1885 did not appreciate at their proper value the services rendered by the ladies of East-Bourne and a feud, started by a very self-seeking politician, and end in g in the break-up of the Habitation, was the first result, the ultimate result being that Admiral Field's majority of 1259 in 188G fell to 363 in 1892. That this was simple cause and effect admits of not the least doubt.
Much more recently, another Habitation was formed (No. 2216), and it has done, and is still doing, splendid work under my old friend Sir. C. 0. Fitzgerald, K.C.B., and a very efficient staff of lady workers.
The East-Bourne voting strength of the 2 political parties made little or no progress between 1837 and 1857, when, if my memory serves me, the Conservatives polled no more than about a dozen votes, and the Liberals no more than about 4 dozen. I have no record by parishes of the 1865 Election, but in 1868 East-Bourne sent to the poll 75 Conservatives as against 333 Liberals, one man recording a split vote, and so abstaining. The split vote was that of a butcher who no doubt had an eye to trade, as he was able to tell customers on both sides-that he had voted for their side.
In 1857, though the Vestry Room in Grove Road(a> was a fair-sized room, I do not remember that it was used for Parliamentary election purposes. At any rate, it was in a large room (built for the Foresters) at the Squirrel Inn, alias the Gilbert Arms, at the corner of Grove RoadO>) that Lord Pevensey came to speak on February 19, 1857. Mr. Dodson's followers assembled 3 days previously at the Anchor Hotel. Colonel Cavendish did not appear till March 21. I attended all 3 meetings. Lord Pevensey met with a good deal of interruption, his being an evening meeting Radical hecklers had their chance.
In the "Sixties" and "Seventies" most election and other public meetings were held at a place known as " Diplock's Assembly Room," a room forming part of
(a) On the site of the present Fire Station.
{b) On the site of the houses numbered 134, Terminus Road and 2—12, Grove Road.
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