Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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Chap. XIX.] A Ladies' Committee.                          265
£10 for a friendless boy! The fact that this was a flagrant breach of Trust Funds escaped notice at the time, but at the next meeting a lady, connected with an eminent London firm of solicitors, saw through the great irregularity, and very properly proposed and carried a resolution that the grant should be cancelled.
A " Liberal " Dinner at East-Bourne.
A " Liberal " Dinner held on February 4, 1881, seems to have been a remarkable success, unless the East-Bourne Gazette is to be deemed a biassed authority. The following laudatory notice in a Gazette leader : —
" Some gentlemen, for inBtance, could get nothing to eat, although there was an abundance of good things provided by the caterers; many were obliged to remain satisfied with the homely fare of cheese and celery; others had to rest supremely contented with a few tarts, and the majority had to do with a little soup, a limited supply of the rotis, and 'just a taste' of plum pudding."
A correspondent of the same paper—evidently a wag in his way—says :—
" Some complained of the waiting. I consider the waiting was perfection. I had 3 servings, and waited half-an-hour between each. I could not have waited much longer ; so I think there is not much to complain of there."
I take it that " Liberal" Dinners in these days in East-Bourne are better done, but I cannot speak from experience as I seldom attend " Liberal " Dinners.
The Wreck of the "Nympha Americana."
It will be seen by an inspection of the engraving of this event which appears in Plate XXVII., that a large amount of explanatory matter is attached. No very good purpose would be served by quoting the details. The reader will form his own judgement as to how far the artist, by name Barrodell Lambert, is to be relied upon. I merely refer to the matter again in this place in order to note that Major Molineux informs me that 2 engravings of this shipwreck were published, a large and a small one, but I only remember to have seen the small one. The reproduction given in this volume is from a copy kindly lent me for the purpose by Mr. F. H. Emary.
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