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Chap. XIX.] Old Charities. |
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invited my co-operation for the purpose stated in the following letter :—
" During my temporary absence from home I am engaged in drawing up an account of our Parochial Charities. The only ones, I find, that can be relied upon are Caley's, Fennell's, Yielding's and Emly's. Do you know of any others? Payne's that is spoken of in Horsfield's History of Sussex, is no charity at all. I am inclined to think that Lord Wilmington left something to the Schools, but I cannot get at it. Do you know the date of his will P I was also once told by the late Mr. D. Gilbert that the £20 paid to our Schools was not a voluntary annual gift by the Lessees, but arranged by them and established by a rider to some Act while Mr. G. was in Parliament; could we get at this in any way ? Mr. G. went out at the passing of the ' Reform Bill' [1832]. I think he said the payment was to be in the place of the breakfast to the labourers. I never get any time when I am at home for such things as these."
I gave what help I could, but was unable to throw any light on the question about the Act of Parliament. That still remains for further investigation, and it is obvious that under the circumstances the matter deserves to be looked into.
" 2D|m is all as true as it is strange; Uteg, it is ten times true ; for ®mt|r is &rnt|r."—
( Measure for Measure.) " gJI i\t foerrlb's a stage; %\\is all t|c men anir tauten rarrelg placers ; %\t% tyane tb\eir exits anir their, gjmir am man in |ris time nlajrs mang parts."—
{As you like it.) |