Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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Booth, Miss Eva, 210
Borthwick, Sir A. and Lady, 61
Boulder Boats, 84
Boulton, Alderman G., 104, 203, 221
Bourne Cottage, 29
Bourne Stream, 25, 27
Bourdillon, Rev. F., 176
Bourdillon, Mr. F. W., 55
Bourke, Hon. and Rev. G. W., 65
Bown, Mr. J. A., 99, 189
Boys, E., 190
Brady, Mr. F., 128
Brand, Capt. the Hon. T. S., 96
Bread, The Staff of Life, 251
Brighton Chain Pier, 216
British and Foreign Bible Society, 162
Broadbent, Sir W. H., Bt., 109
Brodie, Rev. A., D.D., 3, 8, 162, 168;
extracts from letters of, 266 Brodie, Mrs., 10, 115 Brodie, Mr. Frederick, 33, 125 Brodie, Mr. Walter, 112, 166, 256 Brodie, Mr. William, 87, 157 Brodie, Miss Emma, 164, 253 Brodie, Miss Julia, 3, 87, 125, 192 Brodie, Miss Lydia, 3, 87, 192 Brodie, Miss Maria, 3, 57, 192 Broome, Mr., his School, 189 Burford, Mr. D., 124 Burlington, 2nd Earl of, 13, 16, 125,
165 Burlington, Blanche, Countess of, 16;
her School, 192 Burnaby, Col. F., 118 Burton, Decimus (Architect); 36
Cavendish, Lord George, 14 Cavendish, Lord Richard (Senr.), 16,
102 Cavendish, Lord Richard (Junr.), 248 Cavendish, Lady Louisa, 165 Cavendish, Mrs., 16, 17 Cavendish, Mr. F. W. H., 56, 81, 91,
153, 154, 231 Cavendish, Gen. the Hon. H. F., 231 Cavendish, Mrs. F. W. H., 56 Cavendish, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald, 57 Cavendish, Mr. Delmar, 147 Cavendish, Mr Victor, 235, 247 Cavendish, Col., H. H. F., 256 Cemetery, 91
Chamberlain, Mr. Austen, M.P., 235 Chambers, G. F., 104 Chambers, Mrs. G. F., 57 Charity Organisation Society, 90 Chariot, 123 Charley, Sir W., 95, 96 Cherrill, Rev. A. K., 115 Chichester, Bishop of (Durnford),
64, 184 Chichester, Bishop of (Wilberforce),
186 Chichester, 3rd Earl of, 135, 256 China, Old, A Story of, 261 Chinese Ambassador and Family, 58 Choral Society, 90 Christian Names, Unfamiliar Women's,
285 Churches: St. Mary's, 164; Holy
Trinity, 32,174, 184; Christ Church,
176; St. Saviour's, 177; St. John's,
21, 36, 179; All Saints', 18a; All
Souls', 184; St. Anne's, 182; St.
Peter's, 187; St. Michael's, 173 Church Congress at Brighton, 161 Church Disestablishment, 96 Church Institute, Proposed, 88 Church Missionary Society, 162 Church Pastoral Aid Society, 162 Church Patronage, 186 Church Rates, 156
Churchill, Lord and LadyE. S., 60,118 Churchill, Lord Randolph, 249 Churchill, Mr. Winston, 250 Civility to Strangers, 293 Clarke, Capt. G. E., 253 Clerical Costumes, 170 ; Surnames, 294 Clock, Old, A Story of, 262 Climpson, Mr. Reuben, 218 Coaches to East-Bourne, 122 ; to and
from Sussex, 258 Coal and Clothing Society, 87 Coal Company, Limited, 88 Coals, Sea-borne, 51 Coast Guard Station, 45 Cochrane, Lord, 81 Cochrane-Patrick, Mr., M.P., 235
Cairns, 1st Earl, 251
Caldecott, Mr. R.M., 19, 112, 181, 206
Caldecott Museum, 19, 206
Cambridge, 1st Duke of, 70
Cambridge, 2nd Duke of, 54, 80
Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors, 28
Cancellor, Mr. R., 108
Candles, Gas and Watke, 98
Candlesticks, 98
Cane, Mr. H., 207
Canino, Prince of, 53
Capua, Prince and Princess of, 53
Caiden, Alderman Sir K. W., M.P.,
61, 63 Card well, Col., 75 Carson, Sir E., Q.C., M.P., 235 Carter, J., 106
Cary, Rev. J. W., D.D., 144 Cavendish, Lord, 40 Cavendish, Lord Edwaid, 165, 221 Cavendish, Lady Edward, 247 Cavendish, IiOrd Frederick, 165
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