Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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Hobby Bank. Plate XI.
Hockey, 144
Eolker Hall, 247
Holland, Lord, 63
Holmes Family, 15
Holmes, Sir R., 118
Hoi v well. 181
Hood, Mr. A. R., 16
Hood, Mrs. W. C, 16
Hood, Miss, 115
Hook, Theodore, 112
Hope, Mr. Beresford, M.P., 64, 65
Hospital, All Saints' Convalescent, 56 ;
All Saints' Children's, 57 ; Princess
Alice Memorial, 55,56, 89 ; Military,
49 " House of Commons," East-Bourne,
92 Howard, Mr. F. J., 88, 123, 147, 162,
184 Howard, Lady Fanny, 16, 17, 55, 147,
256 Howard De Walden, Lady, 22, 91 Hughes, Mr. Percival, 118 Huntly, 11th Marquis of, 146 " Hunt Sermons," 277 Hurst, Mr. A., 99 Hurst, Mr. (Brewer), 190 Huxley, Prof. T. H., 117 Hyde Gardens, 59 Hymn-book of Parish Church, 171
Kitching, Lieut. R.N., 48 Knight, Mr. J. P., 133
Ladies at Public Dinners, 245 Lady Guardians, 202 Lain?, Mr. 8., 132 Lamb Inn, 24
Lanyon Family, 31, 119, 251 Lanyon, Sir C, 119, 251 Lanyon, Sir O.. 119, 251 Lambert, Mr. R. C, 104 Langham, Mr. J. G., 103, 322 Larkfield House, 32, 34 Lasteyrie, Marquis De, 59 Law, Police, Medical, 102 Law, Hon. H. S., 109 Lawrence, Mr. G. H., 204 Law-suits, Local, 106 Lawn Tennis, 149 Lay Family, 45 Le Blond, Mrs. Aubrey, 118 Leach, Sir John, V.C., 28 Lennard, Sir J. F., Bt, 191 Leslie-Melville, Lady Susan, 58 Lilford, Dowasrer Lady, 61, 62 Lime Cottage, 29 Links with the Past, 263
Literary Institution, 30, 87
Literary Visitors to East-Bourne, 113
Liverpool, 1st Earl of. 17
Livingstone, Miss, 154
Livingstone House, 49
Lloyd, Rev. W. H., 177
Local Board, 198, 200
Local Government in Sussex, 197
Locker-Lampson, Mrs., 196
Locock, Sir C, Bt.. 178, 253
London, Chatham and Dover Railwav,
129, 131, 134 Long, Lady Catherine, 112 Long, Mr. W. H., M.P., 185 Lome, Marquis of, 64 Lome, Marchioness of, 58 Lush, Mr., Q.C., 157 Lushington, Rev. Dr., 14
Macauley, Col. G. W., 90
Maddock, Rev. H. E., 115, 216
Manby, Mr. C, 16
Manners, Lord J. J. R (7th Duke of Rutland), 240
Manners, Mr. H. (8th Duke of Rut­land), 63
Manners and Customs, Changes in, 276
Manor House, 14, 62, 163
Illustrated London News, 55, 84
Incorporation of the Town, 200, 238
Inglis, Mr. J. C, 139
Insoll, Mr. R, 116, 219
Introductoby, 1
Iron Churches, 177, 182
James, Rev. H., 5
Jeffery. Dr. G. A., 33, 99, 110, 116,175
Jenny Lind, 113
Johnson, Mrs., 29
Keay, Alderman H. W.t 79, 104 Keeping Family, 31 Kerry, Rev. W. B., 176 Kilmorey, 3rd Earl of, 147 King George III., Children of, 52 King Edward VII., Visits of, to East-Bourne, 17, 38, 163 King's Arms Inn, 42
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