Eastbourne Memories - A Victorian Perspective

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index.                                          303
Printers at East-Bourne, 245 Privateers,French,offEast-Bourne,259 •" Public Libraries Acts," 207 Purcell Glee Society, 91
Quarry of Green Sandstone, 35
Races, 150
Railways and Tbavblling, 122
Eailway to East-Bourne, Opening of,
123,124; Accidents, 137 ; Carriages,
127 Ranking, Dr., 31, 110 Rat ton, 6
Rawdon, Mr. C. W., 32, 34 Redoubt, The Great, 49 Regatta, First at East-Bourne, 151 Reviews, Easter Monday, 78 ; Various
Naval, 85 Rice, Hon. and Rev. W. T., 186 Roberts, Dr. Bransby, 110 JRobinson, Rev. W. B., 12, 289 Robinson, Mr. E.,23 Rodwell, Mr. E. K., Q.C., 104 Rollison, John, 124 Roper, Mr. F. C. S., 112, 115 Rose Cottage, 29 Jtosemount, 147, 175 Routledge, Mr. W., 88 Round Souse, The, 43 Royal and Distinguished Visitors, 52 Royal Parade, 50 Royer, J., 28, 112 Russian Prisoners at Lewes, 243 Rutland, 7th Duke of, 240 Rutland, 8th Duke of, 63 Jtyle, T., 115
Sala, G. A., 159 Salisbury, Marquis of, 95 Salt, Mr. T., M.P., 61,90 Salvation Army, 209 Sanders, Mr. R. D., 164 Sarle, Sir A., 136, 138 Scarlett, Mrs. Leopold, 63 Schools, Elementary, 185, 191 Schools, Private, 191 School Board.None atEast-Bourne,192 School Feasts, 172 Schuster, Mr. L., 125 Screen, Folding, 120 Sea-Beach House, 42, 48 Seaford, 84 ; proposed Railway to, 135 Season Extension Movement, 241 Sea Walls : Town Halls : Public Parks, 212
Sea Wall, 50, 212 Shakespeare Readings, 60, 89, 119 Shaw, Col. E. W., 104 Sheep-stealing, Sermon on, 242 Sheffield, 3rd Earl of, 76, 133 Sheffield Park, Camps at, 76 Sheridan, Mr. J., 219 Shomerdyke Road, 33 Shrewsbury, 19th Earl of, 109 Shuttleworth, Lord, 15 Shuttleworth, Sir J. Kay-, 15 Silhouette Pictures, 121 Simmons, Mr. C, 99 Skeletons, Discovery of, 8 Skinner, Alderman J. A., 138, 204 Smith-Dorrien-Smith, Mr. A., 247 Smith-Dorrien, Rev. W., 247 Snow Hut, 238 Snowstorms, 7 Society for Promoting Christian
Knowledge, 162 Somerset, Gen. E. A., 253 Sortwell, Rev. T, 163 South African War, 78, 81 South Street, 31 Southfield Lodge, 33 " Speaker of the House of Commons,"
93 Spelling Bee, 152 Spelling <>f " East-Bourne," 2 Splash Point, 32, 44 : Accident at, 44 Squirrel Inn, 234 St. Gregory's Chapel, 181 Stalbridge, Lord and Lady, 61, 62 Stations, Railway, at Eastbourne, 127 Stokes, Rev. G., 23, 33 Stokes, Rev. H. P., 186 Stone, Mr. R. B., 18, 99 Stone, Rev. S. J., 64, 67 Stool-Ball, 149
Strange, Alderman N., 92, 104 Streatfeild Family, 48 Streatfeild, Mr. J., 48 Streatfeild, Mr. F. H. T., 48 Streatfeild, Mr. R. J., 6 Stroud, Mr. D., 189 Sunday Bands, 158, 159, 183 ; Trains,
Excursions, 264 Sunday League, National, 159 Surrey and Sussex Railway, 129 Susans, The, 37 Swift, Mr. J., 33 Syllabub Parties, 254
Talbot, Mr. J. G., M.P., 61, 90, 207 Technical Education, 195 Temperance Reform, 281 Tennyson, Lord, 113 Tennyson, Mr. Frederick, 113
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