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304 INDEX. |
Terminus Road, Laying-out of, 38 Terrace, The, 32 Thatcher, Mr. G., 99 Theatre, Old, in South Street, 31 Thomas, Mr. Inigo, 7 Thomas, Mr. Freeman, 11, 125, 151 Thomas, Mr. Freeman (Lord Willing-don), 224 Thomas, Mr. W. B., 6 Thomas, Mr. F. F., 7, 74 Thomas, Mr. A. G., 7 Thomas, Hon. Mrs., 196 Thomas, John, 124 Thurlow House, 28 Thurlow, Lord, 28
Ticehurst, Proposed Railway from, 134 Tick, Tick, Tick, 282 Tides, High, Ravages of, 48 Time, Economy of, 282 Times Newspaper, 272 Toogood, Mr. H., 128
Town, 5, 27, 42 Torpedoes, 84 Town Hall, Proposed Sites, 217;
Plans, Controversy as to, 220 Trafalgar, Battle of, 82 Train Service to East-Bourne, 126 Trains through from the Midlands, 138 Tramways, 139 Trinity Parsonage, 32 Truman, Mr., 31 Tseng, Marquis, 59 Tucker, Railway Inspector, 138 Tunbridge Wells, Railways to and
from, 129, 130, 131 Turnpike Trust, Abolition of, 124
Upperton, 182
Unreformed Corporations, 243
Usill, Rev. J. H., 183
Vestments, 170
Vicarage, Old, 13; Existing, 13
Vidler, Mr. M., 213
Vincent, Sir Howard, M.P., 36
Volunteers; East-Bourne Rifles, 70,74;
Artillery, 74; Engineers, 75, 78 ;
During the French War, 69
Wales, Prince and Princess of, 56, 57
77 Wallis, Mr. G. A., 50, 104, 105, 134,
201, 207, 208, 235, 241, 245 |
Wallis. Mr. W. L., 35, 104
Walter, Sir E., 69
Walter, Mr. J., M.P.. 242
Ward, Dr. O., 115
Water Company, East-Bourne, 100
Water Works Buildings, 38
Water Lane, 26
Waterloo, Battle of, 81, 169
Weddings at East-Bourne, 252
Welch, Rev. T. R., 162
Welch, Alderman J., 154, 172
Wellesley, Lady V. L., 33, 184
Wellesley, Col. A., 63
Wellington, Duke and Duchess of, 63
Welsh and English, 281
West, Miss, 30, 34
Wheatcroft, Mr. W. G., 88
Whelpton, Rev. H. R., 57, 153, 178
Whelpton, Mr. G., 178
Whiteman, Mr. A., 32, 99
Whitley, Mr. N., 222
Whitley, Mr. H. M., 50
Wilberforce, Bishop S., 176
Wilde, Gen. Sir A. T., 19
Wilford, Major and Mrs., 30
Willard, Family, 16
Willard, Col. John H.. 226
Willard, Major N., 12,16, 102,124,169, 284
Willard, Capt. L. R., 46, 102
Willard, Mrs. John, 124
Willard, Miss, 12
Willingdon, 5; Union of with East-Bourne, 200
Willingdon, Lord, 224
Windsor Castle, Visit to, 118
Wish, The, 35
Wish Tower, 35
Wolseley, Lord, 81
Wolverhampton, Viscount, 209
Wood. Rev. J. R., 34
Wood, Rev. S. T., 154
Woodhouse, Miss A., 115
Workhouse, 224
Wrecks, 9 ; Dalhousie, 83; Gannet, 84 ; Nympha Americana, 84, 265 ; Sea-flower, 83 ; Thames, 84
Wright, Rev. F. W., 154 |
Young, Mr. T., 204
Young Men's Christian Association, 95
Zouche, Lord, 66 |