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The Sussex Country Doctor.
N the present day, doubtless, men attain to higher points in particular branches of science than their forefathers; but it may be doubted whether they are so well informed " all round." At least, as I look back to the past, the memories of men start up, not in one, but in all departments of life, who were more varied in their learning—who could turn with greater ease than men do now from one topic of discussion or speculation to another— who, if they were professional men, were also literary men, and not only literary men, but politicians, and could, if need were, throw aside politics, and talk nonsense to a pretty or philosophy to a plain woman. Music was not cultivated to so high a point as it is now-a-days; but there were more men who could play an accompaniment on the flute or violin, or take a part in a duet or trio, a glee or a madrigal. No such things as Fine Art Exhibitions were known; but yet the engravings of Raphael Morghen and of Bartolozzi were generally to be found on the walls of such men as these, in town and country, and they were more appreciated, perhaps, than the expensive works of Art bought by millionaires for their Palaces in the present day, not because the buyers appreciate them, but because it is " the right thing to do," and also because they are a good investment.
Of all the men who partook of this rounded character— and there were several within my experience—40 years ago— the one who came up to the highest point was Charles Verral,