Highways and Byways in Sussex - online book

An illustrated appreciation, of the most interesting districts in Sussex.

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106                           A LURGASHALL SATIRIST                        ch. x
style. Six of the ten were gained. Never shall I forget the roar that followed this hit. Then there was a dead stand for some time, and no runs were made ; ultimately, however, he gained them all, and won the game. After he was out, he upbraided Nyren for not putting him in earlier. ' If you had let me go in an hour ago' (said he), * I would have served them in the same way.'' But the old tactician was right, for he knew Noah to be a man of such nerve and self-possession, that the thought of so much depending upon him would not have the paralysing effect that it would upon many others. He was sure of him, and Noah afterwards felt the compliment. Mann was short in stature, and, when stripped, as swarthy as a gipsy. He was all muscle, with no incumbrance whatever of flesh; remark-. ably broad in the chest, with large hips and spider legs ; he had not an ounce of flesh about him, but it was where it ought to be. He always played without his hat (the sun could not affect his complexion), and he took a liking to me as a boy, because I did the same."
Lurgashall, on the road to Northchapel, is a pleasant village, with a green, and a church unique among Sussex churches by virtue of a curious wooden gallery or cloister, said to have been built as a shelter for parishioners from a distance, who would eat their nuncheon there. The church, which has dis­tinct Saxon remains, once had for rector the satirical James Bramston, author of " The Art of Politics " and " The Man of Taste," two admirable poems in the manner of Pope. This is his unimpeachable advice to public speakers :—■
Those who would captivate the well-bred throng, Should not too often speak, nor speak too long : Church, nor Church Matters ever turn to Sport, Nor make St. Stephen's Chappell, Dover-Court.
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