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South Coast of Africa, where the rain did stink as it fell dowrn from the heavens, and within six hours did turn into magots. This made him turn his course to America, where he took and kept the city of St. Jago two days and nights, writh two hundred and eighty men (whereof eighty were wounded in the service), against three thousand Portugalls.
" Hence he made for the Isle of Fuego, in the midst wrhereof a Mouritaine, AEtna-like, always burning; and the wind did drive such a shower of ashes upon them, that one might have wrote his name with his finger on the upper deck. However, in this fiery Island, they furnished themselves with good wrater, which they much wranted.
" Hence he sailed to the Island of Margarita, which to him did not answer its name, not finding here the Perl-Dredgers which he expected. Nor was his gaine considerable in taking the Town of Saint Martha, the Isle and chief town of Jamaica, whence he sailed more than thirty leagues up the river Rio-dolci, where he met with great extremity.
" At last, being diseased in person, distressed for victuals, and deserted by all his other ships, he made by New-found-land to England, w7here he arrived June 15, 1597. Now although some behold his voyage, begun with more courage then counsel, carried on with more valour then advice, and coming off with more honour than profit to himself or the nation (the Spaniard being rather frighted then harmed, rather braved then frighted therewith); yet unpartial judgments, who measure not w7orth by success, justly allow it a prime place amongst the probable (though not prosperous) English Adventures.
"SIR ROBERT SHIRLEY, youngest Son to Sir Thomas, was, by his Brother Anthony, entred in the Persian Court. Here he performed great Service against the Turkes, and shewed the difference betwixt Persian and English Valour; the latter having therein as much Courage, and more Mercy, giving Quarter to Captives who craved it, and performing Life to those to whom he promised it. These his Actions drew the |