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doctor and satirist (1490-1549) who may indeed have been the author of the distich above. It is certainly in his vein.
Andrew Boord gave up his vows as a Carthusian on account of their "rugorosite," and became a doctor, travelling much on the Continent. Several books are known to be his, chief among them the Dyetary and Brezyary of Health. He wrote also an Itinerary of England and is credited by some with the Merrie Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham. Lower and Horsfield indeed hold that the Gotham intended was not the Nottinghamshire village but Gotham near Pevensey, where Boord had property. That he knew something of Sussex is shown by Board's Boke of Knowledge, where he mentions the old story, then a new one, that no nightingale will sing in St. Leonard's Forest. It is the Boke of Knowledge that has for frontispiece the picture of a naked Englishman with a pair of shears in one hand and a piece of cloth over the other arm, saying:
I am an English man and naked I stand here, Musing in my mund what rayment I shall were ; For now I wyll were this, and now I wyl were that ; Now I wyl were I cannot tel what.
We shall see Andrew again when we come to Pevensey.
A glimpse'of the orderly mind of a pre-Reformation Cuckfield yeoman is given in a will quoted recently in the Sussex Daily News, in an interesting series of articles on the county under the title of " Old-time Sussex " :
"In the yere of our lorde god 1545. the 26 day of June, I, Thomas Gaston, of the pish of Cukefelde, syke in body, hole, and of ppt [perfect] memorie, ordene and make this my last will and test, in manr. and forme foiling.
Fyrst I bequethe my sowle to Almyghty god or [our] lady St. Mary and all the holy company of heyvyng, my bodie to be buried in the church yarde of Cukefeld,
It. (item) to the Mother Church of Chichester 4d.
It. to the hye alter of Cuckfeld 4d.
It. I will have at my buryall 5 masses In lykewise at my monthes mynd and also at my yerely mynd'all the charge of the church set apart I will have in meate and drynke and to pore people 10s. at every tyme." |