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his first lecture on "Old Brighton " in the Banqueting Room of the Royal Pavilion, and on the 6th of March following, his concluding one upon the same subject, for which—at the next meeting of the members of the Committee—he received a cordial vote of thanks for the same, together with a desire that, at their expense, they might be published. The Author embraced this opportunity for writing a history of his native town,— —a task of no mean importance, involving an outlay of much time and labour, but undertaken con amove,— and if he has succeeded in contributing additional interest thereto, he is fully rewarded.
This volume, coupled with the Author's sincere regards, is most respectfully dedicated to His Worship the Mayor (Richard Mallam Webb, Esq.), the Brighton Museum Committee, and their valuable Honorary Secretary (George De Paris, Esq.). He further thankfully acknowledges the kindness of Messrs. Bellingham, Gay, W. J. Smith, and Stent, for their loan of rare books and prints: these have been of great assistance to him in the preparation of the work now submitted for public favour, which he trusts will prove satisfactory to subscribers and the public generally. |
Brighton, April, 1871. |