History Of Brighton And Environs - Online Book

From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time.

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Churchwardens, and Fishermen at the time accus­tomed."
Item:—" Forasmuch as the town is overcharged with multitudes of poor people, which daily are thought to increase by means of receiving under tenants, lodging of strangers, and the disorder of tippling-houses, and that the Constable cannot without further assistance take upon him the whole oversight and charge of all parts of the town; in this behalf it is thought meet that every one of the twelve shall have assigned upon him some street or circuit near his dwelling-house, where he shall, as deputy to the Constable, have special charge for the keeping of good order, and especially to see that the order for the avoidance of under tenants be duly observed, and that none lodge or keep tippling-houses; and ' Whereas, there hath been a controversy of long time between the said fishermen, being the greater part of the parish and the husbandmen and artificers there, as well as for that for the reparation of the church as all other public charges, which hath been great as building of forts and walls, provision of shot and powder, and other neces­saries, for the defence of the town against foreign enemies, have been sustained and borne by the said quarter share of the said fishermen only, except a small annuity or rent yearly of two windmills (one of which is now utterly decayed), as well for the utter extinguishment of all such controversy and division, as also for the better increase of amity and neighbourly friendship among the said parties, the said Lord Buckhurst andEichard Shelley, Esquire, have likewise named to be set down here in writing at the place, and in the day and year aforesaid, the names of all such husbandmen and artificers which are of ability in the said town, and the several sums of money which every one of them by their several consents have granted yearly to be paid for and in name of a contribution towards the charges aforesaid, and to be paid " on St. Stephen's
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