History Of Brighton And Environs - Online Book

From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time.

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at once recognised him, and enquired why he had not been to claim his reward before. He answered that he had been rewarded with the satisfaction of having saved His Majesty's life, " and now, Sir, I ask nothing for myself, but for my poor friends, that you should set them at liberty, as I did you." The King offered to release any six, and we may imagine the sailor's blunt answer: "What! Six poor Quakers for a King's ransom!!" His Majesty was so pleased as to invite them to come again, and ultimately ordered their release. Probably this Eichard Carver here referred to was a relative of Derrick Carver, of Brighton, who suffered martyrdom at Lewes, for conscience sake, in the reign of Queen Mary.
Amongst the many causes that have operated to give to Brighton pre-eminence among fashionable watering places may be mentioned its vicinity to the metropolis, being within 1 1/4 hour's ride of the same, and the railway system is admirably carried out, with safety and con­venience to passengers. The facilities afforded to visit the adjacent towns and villages on its system cannot be too highly praised, and the number of attractions that are constantly held out for the gratification of our numerous visitors have doubtless helped to promote the welfare and prosperity of the town.* The efforts of its Mayor and Corporation to increase its attractions, to foster the same, and to assist materially Brighton's development and advancement, have made the town in reality " the Queen of Watering Places " and "London Super-mare." They have recently resolved to pay £7000 towards the Aquarium, now in progress, and this will be the means of still further improving the sea frontage by the new
* It is stated, upon good authority, that at one period during the season of 1870, there were upwards of 50,000 visitors in Brighton,
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