History Of Brighton And Environs - Online Book

From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time.

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Turners (father and 2 sons), 3 Sillers (ditto), 5 Hardys (brothers), 2 Bests (brothers), 2 Bests (sons), Niebour, Gutteridge, Woetzig, Albrecht, Tucker, Hammer, Dusart, Gilbert, Distin, Tuckwell, Bode, Krone, Schroder, Haussman, Medhurst, Egerstorff, Mennich, Hanedorn, Tidzer, Grabenstein, Chamerozvow, Mason, &c. It will be seen from these names that many of our resident pro­fessors belonged to this eminent band, and others of their descendants are still in this town.0
The King's first intimacy with Captain Blomfield arose from the circumstance of his enquiring of Colonel Slade, of the Royal Artillery (then stationed in the town), if he knew of any person who could play on the violoncello. The Colonel replied that he only knew of Captain Blomfield, who, in consequence, was invited to the Pavilion. His Royal Highness was so pleased with the Captain as to make him Master of the Household, and subsequently knighted him. A few years ago he was created Lord Blomfield, and his decease only occurred a short time since.
George IV. was a great patron of the arts and sciences and his benevolence and philanthropy were unbounded. A large number of the poorer inhabitants of this town were recipients of his bounty, and others were in the receipt of weekly stipends, and although Mr Thackeray, in his lectures on " The Four Georges,"! would not accord one atom of praise to the last George, yet there were traits in his character
* Many of the deceased members of this celebrated Band lie interred in the soutn-west portion of the Old Church Burial Ground, nearly opposite Upper North Street.
+ These lectures were delivered at Brighton, as well as other places, and Mr Thackeray made a personal application at the Town Hall to engage thf " Royal Pavilion" Banqueting Room for that purpose ; but, on hearing the application, a well-known Alderman and an Ex-Mayor, who happened to be present, suggested to him that the Town Hall would do as well, at the *nme time intimating that he thought it was not strictly etiquette " to abuse a man in his own house." The hint was taken, and the Town Hall, instead of the Pavilion, was engaged for the purposes intended.
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