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the performers retired to take some refreshment, Siguora Julia crept from her hiding place behind the organ, and seated herself between the kettle-drums. The King was sitting on a sofa, between the Princess Esterhazy and the Countess Lieven, and, though the orchestra was at a distance, His Majesty's quick eye in a moment caught a glimpse of the little intruder.
" «Who is that beautiful little child ?' said the King; ' Who brought her here ? ' and immediately walked to poor Julia, and asked her who she was.
" ' I belong to K,' said Julia.
"' And who the deuce is iC?' said His Majesty.
" I was seated quite at the farther end of the room, conversing with Sir William Keppell, and the moment I saw what was going on, I requested Sir William to go to the King, and say that the child belonged to me, which he, with great good nature, did.
" His Majesty kissed poor little Julia ; and taking her into his arms, threw her over his shoulder, and carried her across the room to me, and placed her in a chair by my side, saying, with the greatest condescension, ' Why did you leave the child in the cold ? Why not bring her into the room ? If she be fond of music, bring her here whenever you like.'
" This act of kindness, consideration, and goodness, was duly appreciated by all who witnessed it, and by me will ever be remembered with the most respectful gratitude. On the following evening, when I again had the honour of a command to the palace, His Majesty was pleased to inquire after my pretty little girl.
"My friend, Prince Hoare,* who was at Brighton |
* This gentleman alluded to, will be remembered by many old " Brightonians," in having erected the house that formerly stood at the fc>p, —the North side of Clarence Square : and the grounds attached to the same in front comprise the enclosure of it; he was an eminent man of his day, an antiquarian, and the author of many musical and dramatic pieces. |