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the meantime an opposition sprung up amongst some of the ratepayers, and at a Vestry Meeting called on the 20th day of December, 1849, an amendment was moved to the original resolution:—" That the report be received, and entered at the foot of the minutes, and that the Draft Bill to empower tho purchase of the Pavilion be approved;"—to tho following effect,—"That the Bill now presented is disapproved of, and that a memorial be presented to the ILonorable the Commissioners of Woods and Forests expressing the desire of the inhabitants that no further steps be taken in the matter." On this a poll was consequently taken on the 20th and 22nd with the following result : For the purchase, 1,343; against it, 1,307 ; majority for the motion, 36. It is now admitted by its most strenuous opponents that it would have been a suicidal act to have lost so eligible an opportunity for securing to the town such a valuable acquisition,—which has been not inaptly termed one of the lungs of Brighton, and its value has proved beyond price, affording, as it does, every facility for balls, concerts, lectures, religious and scientific meetings, flower shows, &c. The Bill founded on the resolution named was read, without opposition, on the 14th of February, 1850, and in the House of Lords tho 2nd of May following. The money for the purchase, and £7,000 for the expenses of obtaining the Bill and restoration of the building,—amounting in the whole to £60,000,—was borrowed of the Bank of England. One arrangement in connection with the purchase was the demolition of the Royal Chapel, which stood upon a portion of the estate, ample compensation being allowed for the same. On the 13th of June following, the Commissioners of Woods and Forests were paid the required sum,- and a Ball in celebration of the opening took place January 21st, 1851. The inhabitants were first admitted to view the Pavilion (in its dismantled state) and grounds on the 28th June, 1850. |