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In a copy of the celebrated engraving of the Steyne, published in 1806, and presented, with many other valuable relics of Brighton, by Robert Furner, Esq., to the Town Museum, the Prince of Wales (as "the star of fashion") is represented on horseback, attended by Colonel Blomfield. Other notabilities are depicted in the picture, among whom are the Duke of Grafton, Earl Berkeley (Colonel of the South Glo'ster Militia), Mr Mellish, Bishop of St. Asaph, Earl Craven, Lord Coleraine, George Hanger, Colonel Lee, Sir John Lade, Mr Day (called "Gloomy Day"), Mr Treeves, sen., and Mr Treeves, jun., General Dalrymple (upwards of 22 stone in weight), Lord Sefton, Earl Clermont, Martha Gunn, of whom it is written :—
See the fine rosy boy how he laughs at the fun, Of being douched in the sea by old Martha Gunn.
and Mr Cope (the " Green Man" so called), as he was universally attired in green, and of whom the following was penned:—
A spruce little man in a doublet of green,
Perambulates daily the streets and the Steyne,
Green striped is his waistcoat, his small clothes are green,
And oft round his neck a green 'kerchief is seen.
Green watch string, green seals, and for certain I've heard,
(Tho' they're powdered) green whiskers and eke a green beard ;
Green garters, green hose, and deny it who can,
The Brains too are green of this little green man !
Sir John Lade, who was in the receipt of an annual pension of £400, as driving tutor to the Prince of Wales, was an accomplished f whip," performing feats almost incredible in the " tooling " of his horses. One of the most daring was the driving, at full gallop, from Castle Square up |