History Of Brighton And Environs - Online Book

From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time.

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Of these there were several: the first formed August 13, 1793. At three o'clock on the morning pre­vious, the troops composing this camp struck their tents in Ashdown .Forest, and from thence, at five o'clock, marched forwards, reaching Chailey Common at half-past eleven, and tents were pitched for the night. The fol­lowing morning at four they were again on the march, and at noon arrived on the hills around Brighton. The artificers and the heavy baggage came by way of Lewes ; but the route of the army in general, consisting of 7,000 men, was over the South Downs, the Prince of Wales meeting them as they came over the hill. By two o'clock the camp was formed, close to the town, in Belle Vue Field, now known as Regency Square, and it stretched in a direct line along the coast. This encampment, which was increased to 10,000 troops, was composed of regulars and militia, and continued till the 28th of October, on account of some apprehension of an invasion by the " new Republic of France." On the first Sunday after the arrival of the army many of the soldiers attended the Parish Church, and among them several officers of the Surrey Militia, then quartered in the town. The officiating Clergyman on the occasion was the Rev. Dr. Vicesimus Knox, Master of Tunbridge School, and late fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, who had with his family taken up his residence here for a few weeks at a house in North Street (west corner of Bond Street, the property of Mr Alderman Henry Martin). He had been solicited by the Vicar, the Rev. Thomas Hudson, to preach on that Sunday, and, having assented, he was assisted by the Curate, the Rev. J. Mossop. The Doctor chose for his text the following words, " Glory to God in the highest: on earth, peace, good-will towards men." In the course of his narrative
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