History Of Brighton And Environs - Online Book

From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time.

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of the event, chronicled in a work published by him (which must havo created great interest as it passed through several editions), he observes that he was led to tho choice of this subject from observing the extreme bitterness expressed, even in gay, good-humoured companies, against a great many of our fellow creatures ; from the almost daily accounts in the newspapers of slaughtered thousands, and the eagerness with which war had been adopted by all the nations concerned, when negociations might have effected every desirable purpose, without expense and without carnage. The first intimation received by him that he had given umbrage to any of the congregation was on his leaving the Church, when a lady, a perfect stranger, thus accosted him:—" I thank you for your sermon, I could have sat hours to have heard such with pleasure; but, excuse me, I must tell you, from what I have observed in the pews apong a certain description of persons, you have offended these who, I fear, have as little relish for the doctrine of forgiveness as they seem to have of peace. Many, like myself, were highly pleased with your discourse; but there are those who are angry indeed."
following further remarks of Dr. Knox (contributed there­to by the author of the present work), which will, we have no doubt, be read with much interest; as showing tho excited feelings of the military at that period:—
" My family, who stood around me, heard her observations, and were greatly alarmed. T was not in the least alarmed, though certainly concerned, to find that I had been misapprehended. Conscious of having meant nothing but what was humane, beneficent, and truly Christian, in all which I had delivered, I feared no ill. Having done no wrong, nor intended any thing but good, I felt a serene complacency, notwithstand­ing the alarm given by this unknown lady, in a tone of
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