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me, was sent for, and I saw him taking his seat opposite to me. He left his hat behind him, probably intending to return when I should be excluded. They frequently went in and out, and appeared extremely busy::: and anxious in concerting the plan of operations. This continued during the whole of the play. My children observed it, and told me that they expected some insult. I disregarded their suggestions, and sat with perfect composure. Between the play and the entertainment, the following note, directed to me, was first handed from behind us, to Mrs Knox, who gave it to me. My son had seen one of the officers writing; and there was no doubt but he was composing this note, sent without a name, and couched in terms of caution and subtlety. I must call it a discreet note; and as discretion is allowed to be the better part of valour, I must add another epithet, and contend that it is a courageous note:—
Copy of the Mandatory Note of Expulsion, dispatched by a Confederacy of unknown Persons, styling themselves in the said Note, The Gentlemen of this Theatre. Superscribed on the back, Dr. Knox.
" Your Discourse last Sunday was so offensive that the gentlemen of this theatre desire you will quit it immediately."
" It is so beautifully laconic that it might be taken for the production of a Spartan Republican, if it were not at the same time so authoritative as to resemble the edict of a German despot. It is written with a pencil on a scrap of torn paper. I intend to preserve it, that it may supply documents to future historians, and hope to have interest enough to get it deposited in the archives of the Tower. |
* Velut apes restate nova |